In light of the recent disbandment of staff for the Guilford County Joint Historic Preservation Commssion, and in light of recent threats to do the same to the staff of the Greensboro Historic Preservation Commission, citizens need not take these government programs for granted.
If you benefit in any way from these services (enjoy historic buildings, own a Landmark property, live in an historic district, enjoy walking tours of historic neighborhoods, work in a designated building, eat in a Landmark building (such as Liberty Oak)), then we need for you to make your support of these programs very clear to our elected officials.
In the day-to-day grind of politics, complacency sometimes leads to invisibility. Invisibility, in the world of politics, is fatal. Don’t let historic preservation get swept under the rug. Don’t let officials assume that because you are silent, you just don’t care (and that is what many DO assume). Let people know there remains high community support for historic preservation. Write a letter, send an email, make a phone call…for little effort, a great difference is made.
Have you hugged your Preservation Commission today? Go ahead, it needs one now more than ever.
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