A workshop will be offered in downtown Greensboro to discuss the how to use federal and state tax credits for historic preservationa nd adaptive reuse on structures listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The workshop is free of charge, but registration is requested.
This workshop is designed for anyone considering renovation of a historic property with the aid of North Carolina or federal historic rehabilitation income tax credits. Experts will discuss the issues and protocol a developer or a homeowner could expect to encounter including project eligibility, the
application process, IRS rules, development standards, building codes, environmental regulations, and meeting the Secretary of Interior’s Standards.
Guest speakers include architect Eddie Belk, City Building Inspector Julius Register, National Register Coordinator Ann Swallow, Window Contractor David Hoggard, Developer Sean Dougherty, and Finance Specialist David Winslow. Attendees are welcomed to register for one or both sessions.
AICP and Certified Local Government credits are available for attending this workshop.
The workshop will take place over the course of two days, and will cover both Commercial and Residential tax credits:
Commercial Tax Credits
June 27, 12:30 – 5pm
Greensboro Historical Museum, 130 Summit Avenue, Greensboro
Homeowner Tax Credits
June 28, 9am – Noon
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 607 N. Greene Street, Greensboro
Please Register HERE.
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